ABCs of Health

(Mental Realm)

Buteyko Breathing
Diet and Cleansing / Detoxification
Buteyko Breathing
Diet and Cleansing / Detoxification
As this site deals with the basics of human health, the term ‘attitude’ discussed here refers to a mental attitude or an attitude of mind.
Let’s define what attitude is, and then talk about the importance of ‘positive attitude’ or the ‘attitude of gratitude’ for our health.
Attitude is a composite of thoughts, feelings and actions. Therefore, in order to progress towards better health you must cultivate adequate body and mind conditions for all three composites listed above (your thoughts, feelings and actions). In other words, both your mind and body need to be at a certain level of energy vibrations.
Are you aware that everything in the Universe is comprised of energy? It has been scientifically proven that on a sub-atomic level there is no matter – there is only energy… Moreover, do you know that everything in the Universe vibrates? The Universal Law states that everything in the Universe moves and vibrates – everything is dynamic, nothing is static. Therefore, you - your every organ and every cell of your body - vibrate at a certain frequency… The crucial knowledge here is that these energy vibrations can be ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ to our health, depending on the level of vibrations!
Let me guess your next question: How do I keep my body and mind vibrations ‘positive’ or in the ‘right’ zone? When it comes to vibrations pertaining to healthy body and mind, one must have the ‘attitude of gratitude’, as well as a genuine desire for mental and emotional transformation, combined with correct actions. These are the essential criteria for your body and mind to be in harmony with the Universe so that you could discover a path to better health.
The good news is that you don’t actually need to learn any frequencies or use any complex equipment to achieve the ‘attitude of gratitude’ and vibrations that accompany that state. All you need to do is to have an open mind and willingness to attend a single ABC session with us, and we’ll gladly share with you the ‘Attitude of Gratitude’ formula, crucial physiological knowledge behind it, as well as consequences of not vibrating in ‘unison with the Universe’, that might affect your health in a negative way.